As of September 2023, course mailing list name formats going forward will be 'COURSE NAME YEAR STAGE'. See the screenshot below for examples:



Old courses (pre-2023 SCE courses), which still have students will continue to show until everyone has either left/progressed will display like below (but these will gradually be hidden from the display as students move on) - (OLD) 2022-2023 appended to the start:



We have noticed some duplicate course names, due to students being enrolled on the same course but via a different pathway which has caused a different course code. One example of this is 'Postgraduate Diploma Professional Legal Practice'. The issue existed before the changes and, currently, there is no way to merge these into one mailing list. To email every student in Stage 1SE, as shown below, you will have to send it to all four mailing lists. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything we can do about this due to the different course codes and the way the system works.