On the Home tab, in the Search People, click Address Book.
In the Address Book dialog box that opens, click Tools > Options.
Under When opening the address book, show this address list first, choose the Global Address List.
- Click OK.
- Click Custom.
- Click Add and select the Global Address List and click Add then Close
- Click the up and down arrows next to the list to move the Global Address List to the top.
Differences between - Online Global Address List and Offline Global Address List (OAB)
Online Global Address List (GAL)
- The Online GAL is accessed directly from the server, meaning you need an active internet or network connection to view and use it.
Real-Time Updates:
- Changes to the Online GAL, such as adding or removing users or updating contact information, are reflected immediately since it pulls the latest data from the Exchange server.
Usage Context:
- Typically used by clients that are constantly connected to the network, such as Outlook Web Access (OWA) or Outlook clients in online mode.
Data Source:
- The Online GAL is sourced directly from the live Exchange server, ensuring that the most current data is always available.
Offline Global Address List (OAB)
- The Offline Address Book (OAB) is a downloaded copy of the GAL that is available for use when an internet or network connection is not available.
Update Frequency:
- The OAB is updated periodically (typically once every 24 hours), so there may be a delay in reflecting recent changes such as new user additions, deletions, or modifications.
Usage Context:
- Used by Outlook clients configured in Cached Exchange Mode. This allows users to access the address list even when they are offline.
Data Source:
- The OAB is generated and distributed by the Exchange server to clients. Clients download the OAB to their local machines for offline use.
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Tel: 01224 262777