The Riverside Building Overflow facility for RB221/222/223
The lecture theatres 221 and 223 have the ability to see the presentation and hear the speaker from the central 222 lecture theatre. You will see what is presented on the screen and hear the content and the speaker but you will not see the speaker.
To activate and overflow facility:
- Press “display on” in 222
- Select PC, you should now see the PC image on the screen in 222.
- Log on to the PC as normal.
- On the control panel please press and hold down the bottom button until Room 221, Room 223 appears. These will appear in red boxes.
- Please press the corresponding button for where you would like to overflow to and the box will turn green. This will then start up the projector in the selected room(s) and change the input to the content from room 222.
To deactivate the overflow facility
- On the control panel please press and hold down the bottom button until Room 221, Room 223 appears. These will appear in green boxes.
- Please press the corresponding button for where you would like to overflow to and the box will turn red. This will then stop the overflow in the selected room(s)