What is NVivo?

NVivo is a software program used for qualitative and mixed-methods research. Specifically, it is used to analyse unstructured text, audio, video, and image data, including (but not limited to) interviews, focus groups, surveys, social media, and journal articles. QSR International produces it.


Why use NVivo?

  • Analyze and organize unstructured text, audio, video, or image data.
  • Playback ability for audio and video files, so that interviews can be transcribed in NVivo.
  • Ability to capture social media data from Facebook and Twitter using the NCapture browser plug-in.
  • Import notes and captures from Evernote - great for field research.
  • Import citations from EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, or other bibliographic management software - great for literature reviews.
  • Perform simple text analysis queries (such as text search or word frequencies) for text data in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese.

What file types are associated with NVivo?

  • *.nvp - An NVivo for Windows project file.
  • *.nvpx - An NVivo for Mac project file.

What version of NVivo does RGU use?

Robert Gordon University is currently using version 15 (please see below regarding licensing).

Where can I download Nvivo?
 NVivo is available for Windows and macOS devices. Please download the link below: 

How can I get a license for Nvivo?

Please speak to your lecturer about requesting a license to use Nvivo on your personal device. 

They will need to complete an NVivo Licence request form on your behalf - NVivo License Request Form.

After RGU IT assigns a license to your account, you will receive an automated email informing you of this and guiding you to create a myNVivo profile. This separate from your RGU account and can be created here using your RGU e-mail address - https://portal.mynvivo.com/.

RGU IT and Digital 

Service Catalog Portal: Support : IT Service Desk (freshservice.com)


Tel: 01224 262777